Pete Ippel Studio Thank You

This thank you goes out to everyone who sent me a message, gave me a thumbs up, shared their energy, drove me to the hospital, smiled, laughed, held me when I cried, cut my skull open, taught my class, wiped my ass, showered me, fed me, stuck needles in me, listened to my story attentively, …

Free And Open Culture Mind Map

My passion: to empower some free-culture advocating, network-neutrality loving, FLOSS using, empathy having, critical thinking art students. Today we did a bit of brainstorming about what influences/passions can guide us as a group toward a collaborative project. Keeping in mind the concepts of free and open culture, between now and the next session each individual …

Consciousness Altering Sunset

Many of us are familiar with the double rainbow video and some find it humorous that someone is so moved by nature that they are driven to laughter, hooting, and eventually to tears of joy. I empathize. Regarding the sunset last night, it reminded me to take life as it comes and to be open …

Disciplined Artists Never Say “I’m bored.”

In this workshop you will learn that artistic growth comes out of actions. Wiring your mind for artistic success through iteration, intuition, and discipline will allow you to step away from a fear based artistic life. You will learn to turn off the internal sensor by attacking the boundaries you have placed on yourself and …

Grace Is Knowing When To Nuke It

Jumping into art full time is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I feel completely activated and alive. I knew from the outset that peril and fun are close bedfellows, and that the battle to make this choice work would be a war won with discipline, fortitude, and networking. The most significant skill …

Pete Ippel Attains One Million Dollar Valuation and Files Registration Statement with the SEC for an Initial Portfolio Offering

VENTURA, Calif. – April 01, 2010 -After numerous talks with financial advisers, Pete Ippel has opted for an Initial Portfolio Offering. Ippel announced today that he has filed a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a proposed initial public offering of his Class A common art. A portion of the art will …

Update: A Crispy 100 Dollar Bill

For Justin Hoover’s project Radical Practices: The Seduction of Duchamp, Pete Ippel auctioned off a crispy 100 dollar bill with opening bids starting at $5.00. Ippel’s project brings into question context, gift, value, and the art market. The unaltered bill sold for $115.00, the proceeds were split between Justin Hoover (auctioneer) and Pete Ippel (artist). …