Breaking news, one night only: “How To Build A Rocket Pack In Five Minutes Or Fewer” New art by Pete Ippel to be presented during John White’s curated 5x5x5 performance evening. The event will be hosted by Sylvia White Gallery in Ventura, California. The show begins promptly at 8pm on Friday, March 2nd 2012. Come on by for a unique contemporary art experience.
Step Through Cinema With Stefania Rota’s Cinezoïque
A linear narrative through time propelled by the vision of other cinematographers captured moment by moment, conceived and edited by Italian artist Stefania Rota.
With a simple and elegant gesture Rota’s Cinezoïque presents humans, regardless of age, gender, or context, moving forward.
To enjoy more of Stefania’s art visit her homepage Minimal Baroque, view her other videos, and blogs where she curates The Nomad’s Way and Cronosphere.
She is also on Facebook.
How To Create Photograms In The Darkroom Or Outside In The Sun
I have been traveling through my portfolio and documenting my work, here’s how to create images similar to this feather. I highly recommend trying alternative photography processes.
Substrate: I used cold press acid-free watercolor paper
Chemistry: Liquid Light
For the meticulous folk with professional darkroom access
- Coat the paper with Liquid Light in a dark room using a nylon brush, they’re easier to clean.
- Let the paper dry completely.
- Place the object on the paper
- Expose to a light with appropriate time (check the Liquid Light box for details)
- Develop using standard developer and fixer baths.
If you’re feeling frisky and want to put some of the process to chance:
- Coat the paper in the pitch black at home
- Let it dry
- Place paper in an opaque bag with the object sitting on the paper and walk outside
- Pull the paper with the object on top out of the bag and place it in the sun. Count a few seconds, and go develop it according to the instructions on the bottle.
If you get a black piece of paper with no image, shorten the time in the sun 😉
Photographic Insight Into The Hypermodern Studio 2002
I was finishing up my thesis at Cornell University and taking double loads of classes in art and cognitive psychology in addition to Spanish. Note the lightsaber, Motorola v200 (Awesome for texting, but the speaker broke 3 times and I swapped out for Nokia 3660 the first camera phone in the US) and various cords and a gigantor thermal wax printer (which I still own).
Enjoy the ten-year Wayback Machine, with a surprise popup of Pete Ippel 2002…and yes all the images were shot with a Sony Mavica 640×480 px and written to a 3.5″ floppy disk.
So this is where the magic happened…lots of Mt. Dew Code Red, sleeping under my desk with a blanket and the computer fan blowing hot air on me to stay warm…then waking up to go to drawing class at 9am, grabbing a strawberry Pop-Tart on the way…
Thank you goes to all my friends and collaborators who provided wonderful support and helped me finish my Thesis “Priorities” on time.

Connecting The Family: Cousins Living On The West Coast
A wonderful day in Ventura, California spent with my family, going analog with printed photos in a scrap book…Sunshine, no wind, and a walk to the Mission, capped off with a studio tour. Delightful.
Musical Rendition of “The Day The LOL Cats Died”
Not much to say here, other than please call, your representatives and speak out about your belief in network neutrality, freedom, and the right to share.
Also if you’re interested in SOPA / PIPA you’re likely interested in Public Domain…and here’s a recent headline from Wired that is a bit upsetting: Supreme Court Says Congress May Re-Copyright Public Domain Works Yikes…
Responding To SOPA and PIPA: Intellectual Property, Public Domain, and Open Clip Art Library
What I find particularly interesting about the current debate on Intellectual Property is the fact that IP even exists.
If everyone gives their work away for the betterment of humanity, many people benefit. I have watched Open Clip Art Library (OCAL) grow for quite some time and it has a vibrant community based solely on sharing. Every piece of content is Public Domain. In the last week it’s received a massive influx of new users.
When the US government has a De Facto standard of copyright for all creative works in tangible form, there is an inherent hurdle to sharing.
Imagine a world where where that hurdle didn’t exist.
Learn more about SOPA, PIPA, and the Wikipedia Blackout.
Download, remix, and share the image from Open Clip Art Library