A great way to get better photographs and save money on storage space is to make choices and delete. This class will give you lots of ideas to help you become a better photographer through making artistic decisions with your images.
The goals of this course are to increase your familiarity with the free editing and archiving software Picasa, give insight into the portfolio creation process, and practically demonstrate what you have learned in the field.
10:00-11:00 AM
Welcome. Prepare for shooting: learn about image selection, portfolio sequencing, quality settings, and in-camera deleting. Talk about post-processing and archiving in Picasa.
11:00-11:15 AM
Walk to Embarcadero Farmer’s Market at the Ferry Building.
11:15-12:45 PM
Look for photographic opportunities, take photos, and pick up your own lunch at one of many restaurants or farmer’s market stalls (we’ll give you a list of suggestions!)
12:45-1:00 PM
Walk back to One Maritime Plaza.
1:00 – 2:00
Eat lunch, socialize, archive, edit, and export in Picasa
Tools required for class:
Your digital camera;
Media (memory card);
The cord that came with your camera;
If you have a small memory card reader, that will help too;
Laptop (if you don’t have one, no worries, come and we’ll share) and power cord;
Picasa installed (click the blue box on the right);
Sunscreen or a hat; and
Lunch money, and a shopping bag for veggies if you so desire