Conceptual Art Is Misunderstod.

Those that support conceptual art (performance art, video art, social sculpture, happenings etc.) art are mocked by those that do not understand it…and the myth of disbelief, shock, and awe is perpetuated by popular media. Mimicry is common BECAUSE there is a long history of conceptual art, even when it’s lost. The concepts surrounding this …

Pete Ippel Studio Thank You

This thank you goes out to everyone who sent me a message, gave me a thumbs up, shared their energy, drove me to the hospital, smiled, laughed, held me when I cried, cut my skull open, taught my class, wiped my ass, showered me, fed me, stuck needles in me, listened to my story attentively, …

Disciplined Artists Never Say “I’m bored.”

In this workshop you will learn that artistic growth comes out of actions. Wiring your mind for artistic success through iteration, intuition, and discipline will allow you to step away from a fear based artistic life. You will learn to turn off the internal sensor by attacking the boundaries you have placed on yourself and …

Grace Is Knowing When To Nuke It

Jumping into art full time is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I feel completely activated and alive. I knew from the outset that peril and fun are close bedfellows, and that the battle to make this choice work would be a war won with discipline, fortitude, and networking. The most significant skill …

New Years Resolutions 2002

I found these from my last semester at Cornell University when I was taking 29 credits and applying to grad school. I really had to prioritize, (the first time in my life since the 6th grade that I didn’t have track practice every day) hence my thesis show was named PRIORITIES. I’ve notated the results …

More developments concerning Obay Pills and

Today I was called by Dan Lauckner from C·T·V Southwestern Ontario, he found and used the Whois database to get my contact information just like Jakub. There is a potential that he may call back Monday for more information. I also received comments from the author of the blog “And She Knits Too”. She …

Addressing confusion between and Obay Pills Posters in Canada

I interpret the bus stop poster “culture jam” presently in Canada as a parody ad campaign which critiques adults and calls for more active parenting. By using a pun, Obay and it’s relationship to obey a direct command, the group responsible wishes to show how drugs are no substitution for “present” adults responsible for child rearing. In addition the Obay Pills bring to mind how overly zealous parents can map their wishes onto the lives of their children, especially when they are making the medical decisions for their offspring. The ad seems to be in response to the drugging of youth and the increase in diagnosis of ADHD. Regarding who would fund such a campaign, I look to the ongoing war between the Church of Scientology and Psychiatry professionals, and will be interested to note who funded the campaign.