So I”m still awake, I am sooooooooo tired, but tonight I just couldn’t get off the phone with Tizz. We talked about a lot of things, and one of them was how it’s unfair to live on the West Coast. I get more time. But I just get different time. Critique went well, although I ran out of time, but I said my piece, and got a bit of positive support. I just have a lot of work head of me. Obay.
Baseball and the Bandwagon
I went to the world series game last night, got a ticket stub from a guy that bailed in the 4th inning, it was a 175 dollar skybox seat. I couldn’t believe he was leaving. I tried to get in, but the bar code on my stub wouldn’t let me, and then I just watched the game from the foot bridge. Some other REAL fans and I cheered and sneered at the people leaving. We were hopeful for the 6 run rally in the 9th. Also a mentally challenged guy named John gave me an MLB pin, anonymous gifts are wonderful, and a drug dealer offered me to buy the I-Ride skateboard I built for 200 dollars. Of course I declined. Overall, a good night.
Hooray for Well-Spoken Artists
So I went to San Francisco Art Institute (from this point on SFAI) to see ANYA GALLACCIO talk. Finally something that didn’t suck. The last few speakers I’ve seen makes me wonder what I’m paying for and question why I didn’t stay home to pick the toe jam from under my nails. I have to say that she was at least a dynamic speaker. Her art…well, I’d say one thing, I’m not so much an art criticbut more of an art Cynic. Bottom line is, I have respect for her presence and her persona. That’s what’s selling her work (and most artists for that matter) dispite what she says about wanting to have an attachment to her viewer and place. She was from London at the right time, and rode the same conceptual train as Damien Hirst and the rest of those folks on the other side of the pond. I want to get that gig, having larger than life “art status” and work that is enjoyable. I just want to break even, set my own schedule, and be present for my kids and wife when I have ’em. That’s what art is about for me, “artrockstardom” (a term I coined at my last year at Cornell University. Living it is doing it, and doing it now.
Bit By Bit…
“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small parts.”
-Henry Ford
Talent and Fraud
“One of the reasons people sell out so quickly is because even the talented think they’re frauds. It’s a culture that doesn’t encourage people to believe in the work they do. You’re told to second-guess yourself all the time. That’s where I think a little hostility and arrogance can save you. And I’ve never been lacking for either.”
-Sean Penn
On Art and Technology…
“We must expect great innovations to transform the entire technique of the arts, thereby affecting artistic innovation itself and perhaps even bringing about an amazing change in our very notion of art.”
-Paul Valery
Winston Says…
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
-Sir Winston Churchill