Rain…yuk, no skating today…
Heading out to Berkeley Park
Big day today for the boys at MSAS. Josh, and I along with two GUEST STARS Casey and Bryan went to the Berkeley park for an early morning session. The problem was that Josh was a bit sluggish getting out of bed, and I said that I would meet the others at Civic Center at 8am. Well we waited for Josh for a bit, and then ended up in Oakland, and had to get another train to North Berkeley. Casey hit a nose manual on the escalator (footie a bit later).
Once we got to the park, there was hardly anyone there, and was the first time in a LONG time that Casey had been on a board. But he seemed to adjust pretty well. Blunts, 5-0 grinds, and rocks to fakie.
Josh was his usual self, and hit the rails for a bit and returned to the bowl, and worked it for a while with a back truck grind around the corner.
The real stars today were the 30-40 year olds who were pulling HUGE frontside and backside airs in the deep end, as well as krook grinds. Lots of good shots thanks to Bryan.
I had a pretty sweet day too, frontside and backside grinds, as well as rock to fakie, rock to regular…sweet!
We rode back to SF and hit up the Etrade steps, Josh had a HUGE ollie over two sets, and I did one set, and finally made it down the complete set. Casey kept trying this crazy flip thing that I don’t know the name of, but it looked pretty sick.
We rode back to the home base, and had double Foreman action, and lots of ground beef and sausage. Ate like champs, and talked about skating for a long time…
Kev, just called from the Valet spot, he wants to hit it when he gets off at 11. Here we go again…
Live Like an Artist
Congrats to the Tizz for an amazing show, I got to see the pics yesterday and they’re friggin’ sweet, I’m going to be posting them soon to her section of Hypermodern.net.
I had most of the day to skate today, see the MSAS, and then now I’m working on imagery for two contests, I also need to write my reviews for the last few weeks of critique seminar, as I got behind when my printer ran out of ink…crazyness.
I am going home on wed. rather then thurs. like I thought but it should be ok ’cause I’m going to do my installation a day early, got to finish up the OBAY campaign also. I’m hoping to get an entry in to IOI as well as the LOMOGRAPHY contest, but that’s pushing it as I only have three days!
Yikes, but hey, if you want something done, ask a busy person, and I’ve been feeling so comfortable in SF recently, it’s all good.
Fellowship Pains Relieved by Skateboarding
So today I’ve been working on the Javits for most of the morning, and I got some good things worked out, but it’s starting to get a bit crazy because I have to have everything submitted by wed. AHHHHHH!
Letters of Req. are still not in because I have not finished the website yet that will have all the images, and I am still working on the darn artist statement. I have been thinking a lot recently, and I am realizing that I am finally starting to feel comfortable here, I have friends that both live with me in the building (MSAS) and also have some folks up at SFAI. Plus having an area to relax in my apt has been most appreciated.
I am so excited about going to Ithaca to see my peeps there, specially Tizz, my PDT boys, and the CUTF crew. I don’t know what I’m going to do about skating though, I felt so awesome today, ’cause I landed my 3steps, and ollied up the big ledge at pier 7. Some how I don’t ever see snow in my future, unless I live on a mountain where I can learn to snowboard. Urban skating is amazing.
Feelin’ good about myself, but still need to get back into shape…gettin’ a bit soft in the ol’ midsection.
Pro Skaters at 1049 Market Street
So guess who graced the 513 today…N. Jones, no wait, that’s too obvious, Nate J. Anywho, he rides for REAL and was in my apt. checkin’ out the MSAS site, hot. After he stopped by, Kev and I went down the back alleys between Mission and Market, Stevenson alley is pretty Gnarly, especially the little piss-park, a three stepper that REEKS…
So we went to EMB and skated flat there for a bit, I’ve been working on a nollie, and Kev hit up the sculpture and you can get the sequence here soon. Then we went to Pier 7 and good things happened, I got up on the big ledges no problem today 2 times in a row, ollied on and off the steps, and on the way back nailed two other 3 step ollies…*stoked*
Kev nose-manualed the entire ledge, shuvit out…nice. Stopped for a starbucks, and Kev headed to work, and me to do this essay….
Berkeley tomorrow at 7am…Casey Logan will be making a guest appearance…SFAI HOLLA!!!
Kev Is Happy About the Wall Ride
Kev came over around 12:30 excitited ’cause he made $150.00 at work today driving’. We decidied to go to the federal building because he wanted to get a tail stall 180 out, but he was too tired. He must have gone up that wall ride 50 times today with limited success. We wet over to the library, and I worked on my nollie, and may have them by the end of the year.
When we got back Josh was just coming home and we peeped the footie and some newer stuff as well, all the while Kev’s got the Fierce melon Gatorade, and the peanut butter…
Market Street All-Stars Established
Greetings all from the heart of San Francisco. Here you will find recent developments of the crew of the MSAS from their home base between 6th and 7th Street. Enjoy.