Captured In The Moment of Creative Synchronicity: Successful Portfolio Crate Built With Repurposed Materials

Last night at the suggestion of my father I made a call to a mutual friend who is a professional video maker, set maker, and expert woodworker. The two men have worked together on countless sets/costumes for Momenta, the resident company of The Academy Of Movement and Music. We succeeded in making an art crate …

Moving Backwards and Forwards In Time: Perceptions Of A Son

Today I spent the afternoon in the dance school where I grew up with creative movement. My father still leads his class, as he did back when I was a boy. This is the second time in the last twelve months I have had the opportunity to watch and participate in the creative process with …

Deciding to Share is a Directed Process Culminating In Action

After yesterday’s post about art being the opposite of the broken lamp, I took a deep breath, and I went to the storage space where my childhood possessions are kept in Illinois. I experienced the proverbial broken lamp first hand today. After assessing and separating my possessions from ages 0-22 into categories, furniture, books, clothes, …

My Art Is The Opposite Of The Broken Antique lamp That Your Grandma Gave You

I want to bring you the ultimate satisfaction so that when you see my art in your home you are filled with energy. The way I explained it to a friend the other day is that my art is the opposite of the broken antique lamp that your grandma gave you… Every time you walk …

Hypermodern Philosophy: Temporal Acceptance Leads to Aesthetic Arrest

Pragmatically synthesizing massive amounts of rich, asynchronous information and transforming it into manageable action-oriented tasks distributed on multiple channels is vital for survival. Success will be insured by focusing on the humanities in economy and education by appealing to the empathic human experience. The good news is as we continue to move forward in time, …