Pete_Ipp.jpeg, originally uploaded by hypermodern. Stephen Wirtz Gallery has its priorities straight.
Category Archives: Mobile Picture Upload
Be Safe When Riding Bikes
Pete_Ipp.jpeg, originally uploaded by hypermodern. Pete Ippel and Nicole Hayden after her first helmet purchase. Hooray bikes.
Pete_Ipp.jpg, originally uploaded by hypermodern. I found this sticker on a light post on the southeast corner of Presidio and Sacramento.
California Academy of Sciences Ray Tank
Pete_Ipp.jpg, originally uploaded by hypermodern. Here is a sneak peek looking down through the ray tank exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences. Thank you to Nadine Weil for the invitation. Check out her blog at 🙂
Africa Exhibit: California Academy of Sciences
Hall of Africa, originally uploaded by hypermodern. Here is a sneak peek at the Africa exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences.
Believe.jpg, originally uploaded by hypermodern. Believe in love. Presidio wall, San Francisco, California.
Story Time With Ben and Ollie
story_ti.jpg, originally uploaded by hypermodern. Reading Pat the Bunny with Ben and Ollie.