Hello, presently I am working on a redesign for my website HYPERMODERN, and I’m excited about networks, and community databases. I’ve written a paper recently about restructuring the mentor/critique system for art students and their instructors, and will be presenting it at The 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Science. It’s my first time presenting a paper, and also my first trip to Hawaii…I’m thrilled, and look forward to surfing without a wetsuit…
Regarding Leonardo, I was introduced to the publication at the School of Visual Arts. Jarred Loder gave me a copy along with a CD of his class on sound art during my graduate school search…He mentioned that there was a tech-art community in SF as well…which worked out, as I chose to attend the San Francisco Art Institute for and graduated in 2004 with an MFA in New Genres…
Before SFAI, Marcia Lyons and Michael Spivey were my undergraduate mentors at Cornell University, guiding my interests in art/technology/perception/cognition. You can check out parts of my thesis site and video
When the new version of HYPERMODERN is finished, my graduate thesis, and current projects will be displayed.
I also teach at the YMCA and I’m the residence manager for the San Francisco Ballet, I really love my jobs, because I can set my own schedule and have time to work on being the best artist/athlete possible.
I like being an intern at Leonardo, because it allows me to remain connected to what I’m interested in, while being a practicing artist, and everybody has such great stories in the office!