I REALLY HATE BANK OF AMERICA! Today I went to get 20 bucks out of the ATM and the ATM gave me a receipt and my card, and deducted the funds, but no money!!! So I called the customer service number right on the machine, and they said that they couldn’t help me till tomorrow because they were closed, those SOBs ANYwho, needless to say I was pissed. I am getting that money back if it’s the last thing I do, they better credit me back for that.
In other news, I got two packages today, and a new Foreman grill, wheeeeeee…also a stock of leftover Halloween candy from the mom. Went to lectures tonight, and not surprisingly they were better than the ones commissioned by the school. I had major problems with the umax scanner today, but it worked out, and I mailed the package to Tizz, so new shoes are on the way.
Still working on the two design projects, and I still am working for that new laptop.
Had an awesome day today, got a lot of things done, I have the negs developed, slides done, got footie for skate project, talked to the tizzbomb, emailed lots of professors, got a signature for my TA form, went to class, watched death to Smoochy (an awesome flick) and also got two checks…one for the MP3 player rebate and the work for the HCI group…very nice indeed, thank you to Helena for all the work you put in to get that check for me.