So I got hundred dollars, spent 815, got 20, spent 20, got 75. Good thing I have loan backup…Anyway, I sent out the Penprase project today it was like 10 bucks to send, plus the tube. So I should get the money for that soon. I can’t wait till I start selling more of my work and start making the bank ’cause heaven knows that’s why I’m in the art business…I’m in it for the butta…
Tizz and the Fam has been super supportive through this work session, and I’v still got a lot to do today, I want to work on OBAY and write at least some of my essay, but I”ve been so strapped with this design project. I was online for 10 straight hours today…with a small 30 min break to go run errands, and pay my rent. I just need to unplug…I mean now that I have a living area, I may as well use it right?
The ferry to Sausilito yesterday was pretty choice, especially seeing the sunset over the ocean. Also I ran into John Hittner and Naomi at the Peet’s coffee shop. Tomorrow, I have Class and a tutorial, so I can’t play ball which is a bummer ’cause it’s been so wonderful outside. I’m really getting used to this warmer climate, I don’t know what it’s going to be like back in NY and IL…*cold as hell*
Things are wrapping up, but Javits, book project, and OBAY still loom. It’s going to work out…it always does. Oh yea, The boys on my floor love You should too.